Tacos, Mexico

Best finger food in the world. It’s love within a small wedge of flavor busting tortilla! Traditional Mexican tacos (usually served by 2 or 3 – singular is taco) are small corn tortillas (corn/maize-based small crepes, deep fried hard-shells or not if for soft-shell tacos) that are folded or rolled and filled with various spicy…

Chicago Deep Dish Pizza, United States

This one is more than a classic. It is a contentious subject and a never-ending argument for “Who makes the best pizza this side of the Atlantic? Chicago or New York?” Like its name suggests it, a deep dish or pan is used to bake the pizza. It allows a deeper crust and more space…

Puerco Pibil, Mexico

This is a classic. Pork meat is marinated in highly acidic Citrus Juice which has the effect of naturally tenderizing the meat. Seasoning is based on the annatto seed, which is an orange/red condiment. This will give it’s specific color to the dish. It is then slowly roasted to perfection. If you know your movie…

Hamburger, United States

It all started in Hamburg… The original hamburger probably started as a German Frikadelle. Hamburg based sailors would cook some meat patties with leftover minced meat and breadcrumbs. Bread was initially served on the side with potatoes and pickles. Only at the end of the 19th century, early 20th century started to appear the burger we know…
